What Insurances Do You Need For Your Company?

Insures against Legal liability to third parties for loss of or damage to their property arising out of the insured’s business operations.

Work Injury Compensation Act
The Work Injury Compensation Act covers all employees regardless of their level of earnings. Whilst insurance for employees who are newly covered under the Act (i.e. those involved in non-manual work and earning above $2,600 per month) is not compulsory, employers will still be required to pay compensation in the event of a valid claim.

Foreign Workers Medical Insurance
Instant medical insurance coverage for your foreign employees.

Do You Need Personal Insurance?

Personal Accident Insurance
Personal Accident Insurance is just what you need offering 24-hours worldwide comprehensive coverage for you and/or your family.

Medical Insurance
Medical insurance provides a comprehensive health insurance plan that reimburses your hospitalisation, diagnosis, surgery and other related expenses

Home Insurance
Insure your home and/or contents with us and you can have peace of mind knowing that you will be taken care of if the unexpected happens.

Travel Insurance
The hazards associated with overseas travel can be very expensive. The risks include loss or damage to your baggage and personal effects, etc.

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